
“The children having been given and consecrated to Christ in holy baptism, and having had His renewing and life-giving Grace imparted to them through that Sacrament, are to be kept in that relationship with Him.  We believe that the Lutheran doctrine is nothing else than the pure teaching of God’s word. 

This we believe to be the object of our Sunday-schools…. they are to be helps, to keep the children true to their baptismal covenant, and to enable them to grow strong and stronger against sin and in holiness. 

The teaching of the pulpit, the catechetical class, the home and the Sunday-school, ought certainly to be in perfect harmony—especially so on the vital point of the personal relation of the child to the Savior and His salvation”.  (Gerberding, The Way of Salvation, Chapter VII)

There are two Sunday School classes to fit all our educational needs:

  • Children’s class (Toddler – Grade 3)
  • Adult and Teen Cross-Generational Class

Children’s Class – 2024 meeting dates below
Brad & Mattea Zimmerman – coordinators
Mattea Zimmerman
Rachel Kehler
Marie Daub


Adult Class meets weekly with Pastor Ken


Sunday Worship & Holy Communion – 9 am
Coffee Fellowship – 10:15 am
Sunday School – 10:30 am

Sponsored Fellowship every Second Sunday

205 W. Main Street
PO Box 427
Elizabethville, PA 17023