Pastor’s Page

From The Reverend Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr. – Pastor

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Welcome to our church website. I hope that this digital tool provides you information about this very special place, warmly nestled along Main Street within the community of Elizabethville, PA. The faithful people of Salem Lutheran welcome all visitors and guests to our weekly worship service held Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. There are many educational opportunities for all age groups following worship, and I encourage you to check out our education page and attend a Sunday School class. There are also many social and service opportunities that may interest you.

You may have noticed that our parish broadcasts the weekly worship on Facebook. This is a wonderful outreach tool to connect with others far removed from our church building, or to those who are homebound, ill, traveling, or curious about finding a church to call home. We invite you to join us there, but encourage you to visit in-person and worship among the faithful people as we gather to hear the Word of God, and to partake in weekly Holy Communion.

And don’t forget to sign-up for our weekly email that will include the bulletin for the upcoming worship service! You can also find a link for giving to Salem online which many have found pretty handy and convenient.

Brothers and sisters, in this world, we experience  challenging and turbulent times. If you find yourself with a sense of emptiness or  loneliness, please reach out to me. I’m always happy to find time to sit and talk with you. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to church, consider renewing your relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is alive and working in our world and in the Salem congregation.

Open your heart to the work and purpose that God has for you, and has placed in your heart. Perhaps, if you are here reading this…there is a reason. Join us in worship!

If I can be of assistance or service to you, please be in touch. You are in my prayer.

Blessings +

Phone: (570) 898-4234



Sunday Worship & Holy Communion – 9 am
Coffee Fellowship – 10:15 am
Sunday School – 10:30 am

Sponsored Fellowship every Second Sunday

205 W. Main Street
PO Box 427
Elizabethville, PA 17023