Resources for Support & Assistance

The ministry of charity involves service to the poor and marginalized and working with parishioners to help them become more involved in such service to others.

Northern Dauphin County Human Services

If you are facing inevitable eviction within the next 14 days, we encourage you to contact the HELP office of Christian Churches United.  They may be able to assist you with other programs more quickly.  That number is (717) 238-2851.

If you are homeless and in need of shelter and a meal…

If you are pregnant, or a new parent, and require support…

Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center

If you are in need of affordable clothing, need attire for a job interview, or just starting a job with a professional dress code…


Sunday Worship & Holy Communion – 9 am
Coffee Fellowship – 10:15 am
Sunday School – 10:30 am

Sponsored Fellowship every Second Sunday

205 W. Main Street
PO Box 427
Elizabethville, PA 17023